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Adjustment of the transport chain

Langh Cargo Solutions’ Product Manager Markku Yli-Kahri has created an information package regarding the special transports of the industry. The summary was initially presented at the Container transports –seminar organized by the Centre for Maritime Studies in January this year and the summary is now on Langh Cargo Solutions’ homepage.

”Everything starts with studying the whole logistics chain and with analysing the current situation and the current costs. Only then there is enough information to being able to choose the right special container”, says Yli-Kahri. As the logistics process is being improved, the largest savings usually come from reduction of the work force and of the quality costs and also from a decrease in the working capital.

Additional information is given by:

Product Manager Markku Yli-Kahri +358 (0)40 059 5959,

High-resolution photos and the presentation are available at our material bank.

The Langh Cargo Solutions -product family includes several transportation methods, which are suitable for transportation of heavy and sensitive steel products, heavy bulk products and even for flexitank use. Langh Cargo Solutions has set as its goal to be “Superior in Steel Transport”.


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